Leopard Hunting Safaris
Leopards are usually solitary, holding and protecting a large territory which is roamed in its entirety on a regular basis. They are extremely shy animals with excellent senses and camouflage. The perception that leopards are scares is testament to this fact. Males are larger bodied with a broader head and generally a darker, yellowish-orange tinge to their coats, especially along the top of their back.
They are largely nocturnal and hunt a wide variety of prey from medium-sized antelope down to frogs and mice. They are extremely adaptive and are able to live in a variety of terrain, making them widespread throughout Africa.
Due to their secretive nature it would be very difficult to successfully hunt leopard on a 14 or 21 day safari without pre-baiting. Baiting is the most popular method, waiting at dusk from a well camouflaged blind 50 or more yards away. If an area has been hunted before, the leopard is more alert, usually approaching the bait a few minutes before complete darkness. Quality optics with strong light gathering capabilities is necessary. Take note of how the leopard is sitting on the bait and listen to your PH’s advice as to where to aim. Studying the anatomy of the leopard is essential.
Any medium caliber rifle from 30.06 and upwards is adequate with the best shot being for the shoulder and vitals area. Use the best quality soft nosed ammunition you can get.
A well camouflaged blind is essential, it should be strategically placed and dark inside. We put a steady rest in all our blinds, ensuring that our hunters are comfortable, to make a good shot. The blinds are situated between 40-70 yards from the bait, depending on the terrain and habitat.
We make use of trail cameras to help us see what time these cats visit the bait site and also to determine their behavior and size.
Judging a leopard trophy is usually not as important as deciding whether it is a mature male or not. The best indicators are the body, head and neck size and the base of the tail.
Please Note
You need to have a CITES import permit approved before you import the animal so you MUST apply well in advance because the process can take up to 90 days for approval. ALSO the country where you shoot the Leopard will not issue you with and export permit unless you have your import permit in hand!
Rate Card
Pricelist are based on current exchange rate and may change according to fluctuation. A 50% deposit is charged on the total of your daily rate. This % is not refundable if there is a cancellation. However, the % will be credited to your next safari booking.
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